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Posted by on Apr 1, 2015 in General | 5 comments

Welcome to RA Diabetes

Welcome to RA Diabetes

Welcome to RADiabetes (RAD). RAD is a personal web site developed by Rick Phillips to share general information as well as my personal story of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes. I also like to poke fun at the diseases, discuss a social issue or two and occasionally tell others about my family life. Even though I am the only person with these diseases, in my family we all live with the consequences and humor that having one or both of these diseases bring. I hope as you visit the site you will find meaning, inspiration and a good laugh now and then.

Rick’s Story

In 1974 I was a typical guy; I loved the outdoors, riding bicycles, cars and of course I had an interest in girls. My diagnosis was not at all unexpected. My mother had type 1 diabetes as did her sister who unfortunately died when Mom and she were children. But the truth is; I had lived with diabetes my entire life, first in vitro as my mother had gestational diabetes and then as a child when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Then while visiting Disneyworld, I became very ill, was rushed home to Indiana and admitted to the hospital. I had my first insulin injection even before I was admitted. I was released from the hospital on my 17th birthday. I learned two things that week. Illness can happen any time and Disneyworld is not always the happiest place on earth.

For the next 26 years I was reasonably self-sufficient. There were no major illnesses or issues. But then I started to feel awful all of the time and I was having difficulty moving, walking or even sitting. That was when I was introduced to the new world of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was in the middle of my career and having RA was not a part of my plan.

I worked for 12 more years after diagnosis with RA until I was unable to keep pace and had to find a different purpose in life. So in 2008 I accepted (with great reluctance) disability retirement from my employer.

The truth is often forgotten however. I am first and foremost a husband (Sheryl and I have been married since 1977), a father (2 wonderful sons), and grandfather to 3 of the most charming, intelligent, and awesome grandchildren (I know opinions may vary).

But through it all I still love bicycles, collecting things, laughing a lot (mostly at me), sarcasm, and most importantly having a good time. I hope you will join me on that journey.


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  1. Rick is the most well-balanced person I know. Faced with challenges that would crush most of us, he continues to laugh, grow and inspire the people around him. His story is about facing awful disease with intelligence, courage and grace. It will warm your heart and lighten your day.

    • Thank you for the kind words Larry. I noticed your kind words and I want you to know I so appreciate them.


  2. Welcome to your new blog home, Rick!! Thank you for sharing your voice. I look forward to reading more from you over here.

    • Thank you for the kind words Karen. I just got the keys to the kingdom so to speak, so I am Driving a Ferrari like a Yugo. I am afraid to even type this note. LOL rick

  3. I look forward to enjoying what I read on this site! Good job, Rick. 😀

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