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Posted by on Mar 28, 2019 in General | 4 comments

Up the Down Staircase

Up the Down Staircase

I celebrated an anniversary in November 2018.  A minor one for most people but for me it was a big deal.  That was the sixth anniversary of using my current biologic medication.  Seven years ago things were a mess.

How did I come to be on my current biologic for RA?

In 2012 I was writing my dissertation and closing in on approval.  I had started the dissertation while recovering from hip replacement in January 2012 and that summer I pressed hard to completion.  In October of that year, I had an unusual reaction to the RA medication I was using, and that reaction caused my doctor (and I) to withdraw future use of TNF inhibitors.  That meant I had to change my biologic medication.


To read the rest of the story click the link

Up the down staircase



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  1. Congrats on 6 years. That’s commendable. Wishing you 6 more!

    • Oh Rituxan has been so good for me. I live in constant fear it will give out. But so far so good.

  2. These new drugs are being used in the NHS in the UK and from what I’ve seen can halt the disease in its tracks. I wish my Aunt Sally had had these when she was alive.

    • They are amazing Katharine. It has changed the the impact of autoimmune disease 10 fold. Those of us diagnosed after the introduction of biologic medications have an entirely different experience than those who were diagnosed before. I am grateful that I am have been spared most of the awful joint deformity that so impacted prior generations.

      My hope is future generations will be able to bypass much of the pain and debilitating fatigue that still happens. I wish your Aunt Sally had the same chance I have had.

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