Accu-Chek Connect
The meter I reviewed yesterday seemed a bit dated. So I approached the Accu-Chek Connect with some...
The meter I reviewed yesterday seemed a bit dated. So I approached the Accu-Chek Connect with some...
I want a new meter. I want one so badly I went in search of a new meter. My former meter was doing fine, but...
I have been working this week on a blog about opioids and the Super Bowl ads for opioid-induced constipation...
I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won the Lottery. Unfortunately this is the kind of lottery no one wants to win....
A person who belongs to a group of which I am a member asked a question this week. I found the question odd...
Kirsten Schultz wrote a terrific item last week in her blog titled “Not Standing Still’s Disease” about the...
42 years ago, last August, I walked into a senior government class at Haworth high school in Kokomo Indiana....
If you have diabetes you have probably noticed that the ‘Spare a Rose and Save a Child’ campaign...
Frederick Taylor is chasing me and he is one scary guy. He shows up in my dreams, he haunts me while I am...
As most of us know one of the founding members of The Eagles, Glenn Frey passed away on January 19, 2016. In...