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Posted by on Aug 5, 2018 in General, Rheumatoid Arthritis | 6 comments



Last year we lost our beautiful dog, Samantha. I am writing about Samantha because she was special (of course) and she helped me with arthritis.

Samantha was about 4 years old when she came to live with us.  She was mostly a cocker spaniel, but certainly not a purebred.  Or maybe she was. She was the second mostly cocker spaniel and family member who has lived with us.


to read the remainder check out my post on

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  1. Pets are a wonderful comfort in times of need, aren’t they? Samantha sounds like a wonderful and loyal companion. I’ve never had a dog but we’ve had cats who won’t leave our side when we’re I’ll (except for a quick bite to eat) and one big, cuddly chump who preferred not to leave my side under any circumstances, well or ill, hot or cold, night or day. I still miss him and he’s been gone a long time.

    You’ll never have another Samantha but I hope you have another dog one day with his/her own great personality who will bring much pleasure and solace too.

    • Thank you so much for the kind comment Polly !!!

      I hope you also fall in love with another cat buddy. Animals are the best buddies and they hang with us through thick and thin.

      I think at least for now, we have decided to pass on having another dog. I think Samantha’s passing will be with us for some time to come. But of course we never say never.

  2. I’m very sorry you lost your cocker spaniel animals are super special aren’t they.

  3. What a lovely story about a lovely dog. When I was having a really rough time, my then-cat Mojo kept me moving, as well. And these days, Lucy help me get stronger every day by altruistically gaining enough weight that she can provide a heavier load on my lap, thus strengthening my legs.

    • Oh I do the sweet memory of our lovely Samantha. Or Dr. Samantha perhaps.

      It is remarkable how much we need each other. I knwo I needed her and I will be forever thankful she came into our lives. I am thrilled that Mojo and Lucy help /ed you as well.

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