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About 2018 RDBlog week

It is time for the fourth annual RDBlog week kicking off on September 24 and  concluding on September 28, 2018.  This year  we will include 5 days of blogging (Monday thru Friday) with 2 wildcard days  which if bloggers  wish can be posted on Saturday and Sunday September 30 and October 1, 2017 .


The Badge, and boarder are public domain images and may be used freely.  You can find the two at these locations:


2018 RDBlog week Badge

2018 RDBlog week Border



These graphics are provided in PNG format, if you need a JPEG image let me knwo and I will get it converted for you.


Purpose of RDBlog week

As always the purpose of RABlog week is to help build the social network of bloggers who share the diagnosis of a Rheumatic condition.  This year we renamed the week as RDBlog week.   The significance is more than symblolic because “More than 100 diseases are classified as rheumatic diseases” (EverydayHealth).  People who share any of these conditions are encouraged to join the blogging effort.  It is true we are not all the same, but RDBlog week is a process to bridge our common concerns rather than building walls.

In addition to bloggers who are personally affected, people who love those with the conditions are also encouraged to join our blogging efforts.  After all, it is these people who  share the journey and assist us in living our lives in the best possible way.

How does RDBlog week work?

Each day there will be a prompt.  (Prompt selection continues until midnight (EST) September 14, using our survey instrument)  People who wish to participate write about that daily prompt or choose one of the two wildcard prompts  Once the blog is complete you post your writing wherever you like to express yourself.  Then you link that post back to the daily prompt page.

Where can you express yourself?  Almost anywhere. If you are new to blogging and do not have your own page, Facebook works great.   If you want to set up your temporary blog, Google+ is easy, as is Blogger.  If you wish to get more sophisticated, you might want to venture into or  Except, these blog platforms are free to use and they produce great blogs.  Of course, there is a host of other tools, and almost any tool you find will work great.

One thing that is often overlooked is using DropBox as your web tool.  Remember you can write your blog on your machine, save it to the free tool DropBox, then copy the link for the blog and post that link as your submission.   Which means you do not have to have a Facebook page or separate blogging site in order to participate.   It is very simple to get involved.  If you need help drop me a note at and I or someone else will work with you to make sure you can blog with us.


Links for 2018 RDBlog week

You can find the two most important pages for 2017 RDBlog week at these locations:


2018 RDBlog Week signup page

2018 RDBlog Prompts page



Other avenues of expression

This year I established three additional ways to past your material (These are in addition to not in place of the official prompt post pages):

Twitter: #RDBlog

Facebook:  RABlog week

Pinterest: RDBlog week

Please use these to  ensure as much content recognition as possible. If you wish to post notice of your content in these broader communities, please feel free to do so.

Also one other thing, blog week is a no pressure week, so take care of yourself.  RDBlog week is about having fun so make it a no pressure week.  Remember in 2016,

Let’s Rock the Blog in 2018

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