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2019 RDBlog Week Sign Up Page


RDBlog week signups are underway.  Our current sign ups are listed below, but if yours is missing and the app will not allow you to sign up check back in 24 hours to see if I have updated the list.  Unfortunately the signups are not automated and I usually run at last 24 hours behind.

This year RDBlog week will be September 30, to October 4, 2019.  So sign up and have a good time.

Sign up information

Your Email address will not be listed and will never be distributed to others, it is being collected solely for the purpose of notifying you of future RDBlog Week activities.  As a reminder the badge and border are available for your use at any time, feel to copy them to your site and posts.

Participates are listed in order of sign up.  It typically takes about 24 hours before I can guarantee that your site will be listed.  Listing them is a manual operation, and I will try to keep up with it, but there may be days when,,,,,, well if you have RD you know.


This link will take you to RDBlog week sign up 


2019 Participant List

Lawrence ‘rick” Phillips RADiabetes
Sam Moss  My Medical Musings
Mel Davenport Arthritic Nerdy Feminist
Leslie Wren Vandever Rheumablog
Nicole Jackson Nikki’s Confetti Life
Pollyanna Penguin Pollyanna Penguin’s RA Blog
Bri McKenna Everyday Arthritis
Mary Ann Wilmarth CEO of Back2Back PT
Linda W Perkins Spring Sight
Joanne Milo The Savvy Diabetic
Cathy Kramer The Life and Adventures of Cateepoo
Kelly Conway As my joints turn: My autoimmune soap opera
Leslie Rott Welsbacher  Getting Closer to Myself
Kris Seaman GalWithGloves
Denise Nolson Singlerheum
Judy-The United Advocate United Advocacy Australia 
Brenda Kleinsasser  Brenda’s Brainstorm & Trevor
Amanda J  All Flared Up
Linda Perkins Pack Health











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